
We help you discover the technical terms and acronyms of filing and Office industry.



Process by which a document or item is classified by attaching a code to it.


IT platform that can provide resources such as processing, archiving and data transmission through a series of pre-existing and configurable structures that are capable of guaranteeing on-demand access to the structure.


Process of numbering which involves fixing a label to a product to make it easier to find a document.

Consignment Stock

Agreement that commits a supplier to make a certain quantity of goods available to their customer at or in the vicinity of the purchasing company’s premises. The goods remain the property of the supplier until the customer consumes them or sells them to their customers. When the contract expires, the unsold goods are returned to the supplier.


The unification of loads in a single large intermodal transport unit for easier handling.

Customer Experience

The Customer Experience (abbreviated to CX) is the overall experience that customers experience throughout their relationship with a company along all phases of their Customer Journey. It is the result of how the customer perceives his overall interaction with the company.

Customer Journey

Quite literally the journey that the customer takes and all the points of contact between the consumer and a brand. This begins with the perception of need and may or may not end in the act of purchasing a product or service.

Customer Service

The variety of activities that a company must carry out to satisfy the customer, such as order management, billing, management of returns, complaints, communication with the customer and so on. The responsibility for all this is typically assigned to a specific corporate department.


This is the personalization process by which a certain product or service is adapted to the needs of an individual, a group or people or an organization.