
We help you discover the technical terms and acronyms of the Healthcare industry.



Process of numbering which involves fixing a label to a product to make it easier to find a document.

Cold chain

The term cold chain indicates the process used to maintain frozen products at a constant temperature, or in other words below -18�C along its entire distribution path, from production to sale, including the transport, storage and display phases.

Consignment Stock

Agreement that commits a supplier to make a certain quantity of goods available to their customer at or in the vicinity of the purchasing company’s premises. The goods remain the property of the supplier until the customer consumes them or sells them to their customers. When the contract expires, the unsold goods are returned to the supplier.


The unification of loads in a single large intermodal transport unit for easier handling.

Continuous Replenishment

System where a point of sale is supplied directly by the manufacturer with the aim of keeping the distributor’s stocks at a minimum level of safety.