
We help you discover the technical terms and acronyms of the Logistics and Supply Chain Management industry.


Primary packaging

Packaging designed to be a sales unit for the end customer or consumer. Possible examples are boxes, cases, bags, blisters, cans, bottles, flasks, jars, tins and kegs.

Pro forma invoice

An invoice, issued by the supplier of a shipment, which informs the buyer about the kinds and quantities of goods to be sent and specifies their value and characteristics (weight, size etc.)


The process of obtaining goods, services or functions from a supplier in the correct quantity and quality.

Production lead time

The time required to produce an item from the moment the order is received until the item is available for packaging.


A number of operations of a certain kind, for example the picking of individual packages, carried out by employees over a specific unit of time, usually an hour. The unit of measurement in this case would be [packages / hour * employee].

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

Economic-mathematical and graphic technique of linear programming (operational research) which is used for the programming of industrial production in the execution phase. It is based on the identification of the critical activities which helps to define the minimum and maximum times within which the required activities can be carried out. The network diagram highlights phases that are linked to constraints (time restrictions) and phases that allow saving in terms of time. The concepts of critical and grid paths are used (see CPM).