
We help you discover the technical terms and acronyms of filing and Office industry.


Last-In First-Out (LIFO)

Warehouse evaluation system. The concept rests on the idea that the latest goods in are the first to go out.

LCL (Less than Container Load)

A container filled at the expense and risk of the carrier. In operational terms, an LCL is considered to be a container in which multiple deliveries or part deliveries are loaded.


Broken down into three types: full, drop (partial) and groupage (mixed pallets). This can be 1) Full Load; 2) Load Factor; 3) Loading Space; 4) /Payload


The global management of both physical and information flows. Physical flows can be of raw materials (supply logistics), semi-finished products (industrial logistics) and finished products (distribution logistics).

LSA (Logistics Support Analysis)

Interactive analytical process, part of the product engineering process, which leads to the identification and evaluation of its logistical support making it possible to define the optimal support needs and make changes to the engineering.