City Logistic

We help you discover the technical terms and acronyms of City Logistics.



Electronic business is an expression that indicates the digital ways in which business is carried out.


Electronic commerce or any type of transaction relating to the sale or purchase of a product or service in which the interested parties interact electronically through the Internet.


This includes the management and fulfilment of the entire order cycle, the management of purchasing, stock and warehouses, the management of shipments, payments and returns.


Literally the “electronic market place”, this term describes a virtual marketplace where real products and services are traded, as opposed to the electronic marketspace. Marketplaces are characterized by ownership (supplier managed, buyer managed, market markers), the trading model (how buyers and sellers interact), the pricing model (how the price of the goods is established), the revenue model (as a source of revenue for the same marketplace).


Method of procuring goods and services via the Internet.

E-Supply Chain (and E-Logistics)

The integrated and collaborative management of the logistics process (and the supply processes in general) which is made possible by new technology. It includes the management and fulfilment of the entire order cycle, the management of procurement, the management of stock and warehouses, the management of shipments and payments and returns.


Company or trader who operates on the web via online shops.